This is how we keep our computer clean the right way
Let's clean up - this is how we keep our computer clean the right way
The process of installing software is a simple process for most computer users today. But what about uninstalling software? This also sounds quite simple to most of us, but let's ask ourselves, if we really know how to delete software completely
From our system? Let's check it out…
Did you know that most of the software installed on our computer systems leave files and particles that cannot be deleted even after we supposedly deleted the software from the system? In order to keep our system clean and strive for better performance, we need to install and remove files in the right way. Proper removal of software from the system can ensure that future problems do not occur in the ongoing process of your system.
The correct way to delete files is definitely not the delete key, which is at your disposal on the right side of the keyboard. know what? Sometimes even the familiar dialog of Add/Remove Programs is not really the right way. In many cases, you will need to follow a series of steps in order to completely delete a file.
As we have already mentioned, many software programs leave indelible files and software particles on your hard disk even after they have been deleted, of course the words "indelible" in this matter are within our consciousness only, because from our point of view they are indeed deleted, we just don't really know how to delete them. Our system doesn't really need these files that just take up significant space on our hard drive without our knowledge at all. In many cases they may even greatly affect the appearance of the system and its current activity. On top of that, there are also features that leave login records of sorts, so that maybe in the future we think we want the software again, but they also definitely cause certain problems in the system.
Using the following tools will help you keep your system cleaner and in better shape.
Add/Remove Programs: This is the familiar action you can find in your control panel. This is probably the most important tool in the software removal process. This tool is mainly intended for programs that do not offer us the process of removing them as part of their menu as we will see later. In any case, it would be very safe to also remove the aforementioned removal actions found in the software because they may appear in our control panel even after removing them. Therefore, it is advisable to delete them as well and use this process through the control panel in any case.
Uninstalling software from the software menu: Many software programs offer their own uninstall operation in the software menu which we can usually open from the programs offered to us in the taskbar, just go to "Start" —> Program X —> Uninstall a program. It is recommended to do so, but it is important to remember that the mere fact that this removal operation exists does not guarantee us that we will get rid of all the unwanted parts that the program leaves after its deletion, so it is important not to underestimate any of the steps.
disk cleanup: It is likely that this action is not what will change the operation of your computer in an extraordinary way, but this part is no less important than the other parts. This action will search your computer for all these particles that happened to remain on your computer over time and try to remove them from your computer. You can reach this action through: Start –> Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools –> Disk Cleanup.
Program Files: The folder most of us are familiar with is usually found on our hard drive, and it contains many folders that are significant to our operating system. Many times you will find that the removal process we did, even if it was correct and orderly, did not delete the software folder from the Program Files folder. Just remember that it is possible that this is not the only folder from which the removal operation "forgot" to delete the junk files. If it were, things would be much simpler.
Unfortunately, many programs scatter their files in many places that are almost impossible to reach. But still, it's a great idea to delete at least the files you find and as we've already mentioned in this folder you'll likely find some. My computer –> C:/ –> Program Files.
It is very important, as we mentioned earlier, to also delete the various software deletion files because they are also files for everything that take up space in the system and greatly affect the regular operation of the system. In many cases, you can even find special programs designed especially for cleaning systems, but even without them, and only with the help of the above steps you can achieve much better results and save your computer and extend its life.
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