Business continuity - is your business prepared for disaster?

In the global business village, where the dependence on the technology that connects us all is almost absolute, the chance of a disruption or an attack that will wreak havoc on business is higher than ever. While the large companies invest a lot of resources in implementing effective solutions to prevent these horror scenarios, the small and medium-sized businesses have only recently discovered the enormous importance of having a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery strategy. interested […]
Business Continuity - DR - "Life insurance" program for your business

Your business is growing, the customers are happy, the service is excellent and apparently, the future looks rosy. Until one day you arrive at the office and discover that you are in the middle of an "information disaster" that threatens the existence of the business. This way you will protect your business and ensure business continuity, while minimizing the economic and image damages. Your business, like most modern businesses, needs information infrastructures and databases in order to […]
10 on the DR scale – DR solution for businesses

A strong earthquake is no reason for a business to go through a shock and lose valuable organizational information. Organizations that did not invest in business survival after similar scenarios - were significantly harmed. Predicting the exact next quake is a bit problematic; Defending against it is necessary and not complicated. 12 times over five days - this is the interim balance of the earthquakes that struck Israel [...]