Office 365 lowers licensing costs in your business

Every organization, of any size and in any field of activity, should be managed by computerized means - the various Office programs from Microsoft offer exactly that. What is important to emphasize is that for businesses and organizations of small to medium size, there is a much more recommended option, which can save them a lot of money. This is exactly where Office 365 comes into the picture, which expresses the transition of a working environment to […]
IT outsourcing - outsourcing and placement of network managers in organizations

Outsourcing as an IT service Information technology services (Information Technology, or in short, IT services) are considered essential in the operation of any business or organization. They can be made much more efficient and simple. A useful recommendation is to entrust the reins to companies that operate in the field and provide services as part of outsourcing. Here is everything you need to know about the service of outsourcing [...]
Disabling spam filtering in Outlook

Spam filter cancellation guide in outlook 2007 and also in outlook 2010 there are people who are not interested in using microsoft outlook as a spam filter, whether their organization has switched to using professional Anti Spam products or services, or for any reason. So, they access the options and set "No Automatic Filtering" in Outlook's spam settings. This procedure should stop [...]
This is how we keep our computer clean the right way

Let's clean up - this is how we will keep our computer clean the right way. The process of installing software is a simple process for most computer users today. But what about uninstalling software? This also sounds quite simple to most of us, but let's ask ourselves, if we really know how to delete software completely from our system? Let's check it out… Did you know that most of the installed software […]
How to choose the best business computer for you?

Our common life is very exposed, therefore it is always important to have a fast, reliable and easy "notebook" that can achieve the maximum daily output by keeping our projects organized, and our work flow efficient. This is what is called in simpler language, the laptop Top (laptop) for me The first thing you'll need to look for in a good business computer is its wireless network connections.
The quick guide to installing Office 2010

Office 2010 offers new, flexible and powerful ways to get the job done in the best way in the office, at home or at school. Selling Office 2010 PKC when selling a new computer has the potential to increase your income and improves the customer's purchasing experience. What is Product Key Card (PKC) licensing? The Product Key Card) Office 2010 PKC is the replacement product for Office 2007 MLK with OEM licensing, intended [...]
How to buy a computer according to our needs

How do you buy a computer and according to what needs? Personal computers have become more and more common over the years. It's safe to say, that buying a computer is always easier than building it ourselves. Both ways have their advantages. The following article is intended for those who are interested in purchasing the personal computer adapted to them, and also some advice for the builders among us. In this article, in order to facilitate the process, [...]
Business continuity - is your business prepared for disaster?

In the global business village, where the dependence on the technology that connects us all is almost absolute, the chance of a disruption or an attack that will wreak havoc on business is higher than ever. While the large companies invest a lot of resources in implementing effective solutions to prevent these horror scenarios, the small and medium-sized businesses have only recently discovered the enormous importance of having a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery strategy. interested […]
Disaster Recovery - "life insurance" program for business

Business owners in Israel are exposed every day to threats that may harm the ability of the business they own to survive: fires, floods, intentional damage, damage as a result of military action, and more. genie's Disaster Recovery program is "life insurance", allowing any damaged business to return to normal and maintain business continuity. Israel is a "villa in the jungle." A prosperous and flourishing country, subject to threats almost every day: geologists predict [...]
Business Continuity - DR - "Life insurance" program for your business

Your business is growing, the customers are happy, the service is excellent and apparently, the future looks rosy. Until one day you arrive at the office and discover that you are in the middle of an "information disaster" that threatens the existence of the business. This way you will protect your business and ensure business continuity, while minimizing the economic and image damages. Your business, like most modern businesses, needs information infrastructures and databases in order to […]
10 on the DR scale – DR solution for businesses

A strong earthquake is no reason for a business to go through a shock and lose valuable organizational information. Organizations that did not invest in business survival after similar scenarios - were significantly harmed. Predicting the exact next quake is a bit problematic; Defending against it is necessary and not complicated. 12 times over five days - this is the interim balance of the earthquakes that struck Israel [...]